
The Leafy Sea Dragon

The Leafy sea dragon or Glauerts Seadragon, Phycodurus eques, is a abyssal angle in the ancestors Syngnathidae, which additionally includes the seahorses. It is the alone affiliate of the brand Phycodurus. It is begin forth the southern and western coasts of Australia. The name is acquired from the appearance, with continued leaf-like protrusions advancing from all over the body. These protrusions are not acclimated for propulsion; they serve alone as camouflage. The leafy sea dragon propels itself by agency of a pectoral fin on the backbone of its close and a after fin on its aback afterpiece to the appendage end. These baby fins are about absolutely cellophane and difficult to see as they agitate carefully to move the animal actively through the water, commutual the apparition of amphibian seaweed.

Much like the seahorse, the leafy sea dragon's name is acquired from its affinity to addition animal (in this case, the allegorical dragon). While not large, they are hardly beyond than best sea horses, growing to about 20–24 cm (8–10 in). They augment on plankton and baby crustaceans.

The lobes of bark that abound on the leafy sea dragon accommodate camouflage, giving it the actualization of seaweed. It is able to advance the apparition back swimming, actualization to move through the baptize like a allotment of amphibian seaweed. It can additionally change colour to alloy in, but this adeptness depends on the sea dragon's diet, age, location, and accent level.

The animal has a long, pipe-like bill that it uses to feed. It primarily eats crustaceans including plankton and mysids, but its diet additionally includes shrimp and baby fish. It catches casualty with the aid of its camouflage. Abounding sea dragons abnormally abundant do not accept teeth, which is attenuate amidst animals that eat baby angle and shrimp.

The leafy sea dragon is the official abyssal adumbration of the accompaniment of South Australia. A biennial leafy Sea Dragon Anniversary is captivated by the District Council of Yankalilla, South Australia. It is a anniversary of the environment, arts and ability of the southern Fleurieu Peninsula, with the affair of adulatory the abounding sea dragon. The countdown anniversary in 2005 admiring over 7,000 participants and visitors

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