The Bengal tiger is the best abundant of the tiger subspecies — with populations estimated at 1,706 in India, 200 in Bangladesh, 155 in Nepal and 67–81 in Bhutan.
The Bengal tiger is the civic beastly of Bangladesh. Panthera tigris is the civic beastly of India.
A abundant macho Bengal tiger belief 258.6 kg (570 lb) was attempt in Arctic India in 1938. In 1980 and 1984, scientists captured and tagged two macho tigers (M105 and M026) in Nepal that advised added than 270 kg (600 lb). The better accepted Bengal tiger was a macho with a arch and anatomy breadth of 221 cm (87 in) abstinent amid pegs, 150 cm (59 in) of chest girth, a accept acme of 109 cm (43 in) and a appendage of aloof 81 cm (32 in), conceivably apathetic off by a battling male. This case could not be weighed, but it was affected to counterbalance no beneath than 272 kg (600 lb).[16] Finally, according to the Guinness Book of Records, the heaviest tiger accepted was a huge macho bolter in 1967, that abstinent 322 cm (127 in) in absolute breadth amid pegs (338 cm (133 in) over curves), and advised 388.7 kg (857 lb). This case was bolter in arctic India by David Hasinger and is on exhibition in the Mammals Hall of the Smithsonian Institution.
In the alpha of the 20th century, there were letters of big males barometer about 12 ft (3.7 m) in absolute length; however, there was not accurate acceptance in the field, and it is apparent that this altitude was taken over the curves of the body.
Males ability ability at 4–5 years of age, and females at 3–4 years. Mating can action at any time, but is best accustomed amid November and April. A amazon comes into calefaction at intervals of about 3–9 weeks, and is acceptant for 3–6 days. Afterwards a evolution aeon of 104–106 days, 1–4 cubs are built-in in a apartment anchored in alpine grass, blubbery backcountry or in caves. Newborn cubs counterbalance 780–1600 g (2 lb) and they accept a blubbery featherlike fur that is afford afterwards 3.5–5 months. Their eyes and aerial are closed. Their milk teeth alpha to appear at about 2–3 weeks afterwards birth, and are boring replaced by abiding dentition from 8.5–9.5 weeks of age onwards. They suckle for 3–6 months, and activate to eat baby amounts of solid aliment at about 2 months of age. At this time, they chase their mother on her hunting expeditions and activate to booty allotment in hunting at 5–6 months of age. At the age of 2–3 years, they boring alpha to abstracted from the ancestors accumulation and become brief — attractive out for an area, area they can authorize their own territory. Adolescent males move added abroad from their mother's area than adolescent females. Once the ancestors accumulation has split, the mother comes into calefaction again.