Okinawa Rail :: WLR : -Okinawa rail is a type of bird of the family of the railway, Rallidae. It is endemic to the island of Okinawa in Japan where it is known Kuina Yanbaru. Its presence was confirmed in 1978 and formally described in 1981, despite the recorded tracks unidentified history of the island since at least 1973 and the local bird known as the Kumira can refer to this type agachi.

This is the middle rail and almost flying wings and short tail, upperparts olive-brown, lower black lines on white and red bill and legs. Occurs in the sub-tropical rainforest in neighboring habitats. It nests and feeds on the ground, but in most of the dormitories in the trees. It is classified as an endangered species, and is threatened by habitat loss and predators and display.
It turns out that in Yanbaru, in the northern part of Okinawa in southern Japan from the Ryukyu Islands. It has a total of only 260 km2. This happened from sea level to the top of the mountains to 498 meters. In winter, some birds move lower or move a little further south from the scope of education.
It occurs mainly in the forests of hardwood vegetation, but also occurs in the marshes, pastures and agricultural land near the wooded areas and water. Itaji (Castanopsis sieboldii) are the dominant tree in the home of the railways, but also occurs in other trees such as the Ryukyu (Pinus luchuensis). It requires a density of wild plants and permanent water for bathing.
It occurs mainly in the forests of hardwood vegetation, but also occurs in the marshes, pastures and agricultural land near the wooded areas and water. Itaji (Castanopsis sieboldii) are the dominant tree in the home of the railways, but also occurs in other trees such as the Ryukyu (Pinus luchuensis). It requires a density of wild plants and permanent water for bathing.
This is a publication of the poor, but it can run quickly. Spends most of his time on the ground, but most of the dormitories in the trees, climb and to sleep on the diagonal branch or trunk. In the morning, and refines and extends before it falls to the ground. They are found usually in heavy cover, but only in the open air swimming bath there for short periods of 2-4 minutes before cleaning for 4-20 minutes. It feeds on lizards, amphibians, snails, large insects such as locusts. Derived mainly from the food from the forest floor, but can also be taken from shallow water.
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